Learn to flip houses

Learn to flip houses
I hear this question all the time, “Can you really flip houses with no money or credit”? Most people are not aware of what you can do with real estate until they have been involved in at least a couple transactions. Then, they begin to see differentoptions which intrigues them to learn more.The quick and simple answer would be, yes you can flip houses with no money or credit. Here at House Flipping Mastery we focus on wholesaling real estate or wholesaling houses. This means you are gaining control over a property by getting a contract in place with someone who is selling a house. When you find a house that fits in the formula we teach (ARV x .70 – Rehab – Fee = Offer) then you would lock this house up or control it with a contract. This happens by making an offer to the seller and agreeing on a price, then writing up a basic 3 page contract that we use. After you control this property, you have the legal right to sell your interest in the deal. We primarily focus on “assigning” your interest to another party for a fee. With this type of deal you are really only coming out of pocket $10-$100 typically for earnest money (which is sent to escrow at your buyers attorney). You don’t have to even put any money up for earnest, I just suggest it so you don’t chancelosing the deal. Sometimes you make a higher earnest money offer to make the overall offer better to the seller.Getting back to the question, yes you can flip houses with no money or credit. When you control the property you are no getting a mortgage, you are not running your credit. You only have an agreement to purchase the property subject to certain factors that must be acceptable b you. Then you are letting someone else buy that property, because they bought your position in the deal by giving you an assignment fee to “assign” your rights to them. This is how I have been able to flip over 100 houses in the last 3 – 4 years. This is the exact way I have done it, and still do it today. Anyone else can do the same thing, if you want to get into real estate investing then you need to learn wholesaling. It is truly is a simple process and it is an amazing way to build a strong foundation for you investing business.Now that you know the quick and easy, it’s time to get out there and start flipping some houses.