Be An Investor! - Posted by Steven Ransom

Posted by Lee in LA on March 23, 2011 at 18:31:32:


Be An Investor! - Posted by Steven Ransom

Posted by Steven Ransom on March 10, 2011 at 21:30:51:

You can change your life with the information I’m going to give your over this next seven days and the first step is you have to believe it is possible…actually more than possible…TRUE!

So, today I’m going to teach you two things every successful investor I have helped create has learned and lived. To start, I want to tell you a story that you may be familiar with.

There was a farmer who lived in Africa and he became tremendously excited about looking for diamonds. Diamonds were already discovered in great quantity on the African continent and this farmer got so excited about the idea of millions of dollars worth of diamonds that he sold his farm to head out to pursue the diamond trade. He wandered all over the continent constantly searching for diamonds, and the years slipped by. Sadly, he never was able to find the wealth which he dreamed of and eventually he went completely broke and threw himself into a river and drowned.

(Now hang with me here, there is a powerful truth coming next)You see, what he didn’t know was in the meantime, a 15 year old shepherd boy had been out walking the field and picked up an unusual looking rock, about the size of a country egg and took it home for his sister to play with. One day a neighbor stopped by and in viewing the rock practically went into terminal convulsions. The funny looking rock was about the biggest diamond that had ever been found.

The new owner of the farm said, “The whole farm is covered with them” - and sure enough it was. The farm turned out to be the Kimberly Diamond Mine…one of the richest the world has ever known. The original farmer was literally standing on “Acres of Diamonds” until he sold his farm. The moral? Each of us is right in the middle of our own “Acre of Diamonds”, if only we would realize it and develop the ground we are standing on. So, how do you develop the ground you’re on now?

First - Be willing to learn new information!

Start simply by committing to read each and post I post you over the next six days. Then if you are willing to keep going, you’ll want to read one or more of my books and/or study one or more of the other educational tools I have created to help my students.

There’s an old saying, rich people have big libraries, and poor people have big TVs. Which do you have? Second - Invest in yourself - before properties! Wealthy people constantly invest in themselves. They don’t ask “how much is this going to cost me?” Instead, they ask “how much is this going to earn for me?” As you go through these seven lessons, you may at times think, “reading all this is costing me too much time” but that is exactly what I’m talking about!

Reframe it…think about how much you will be earning when you learn and use what I’m going to teach you! With the right mindset we can now move on to all the tips and tricks that make my students and I thousands and thousands of dollars - for some, without ever leaving the comfort of their homes.

Knowledge + Action = Results, and results to me means FREEDOM!

That…is a wonderful thing, as you’ll soon see. Real Estate Investing Secret - Use Your Retirement Account In this weeks post series I’ll be showing you completely successful real estate investing strategies that work without your own money and whether you have good credit or not. But, in the meantime, I wanted to tell you that you may have money you didn’t know you can use. You can use the funds in an IRA or 401k to invest in real estate.

This investing can be anything from flipping to long term rental. Your profits accumulate without tax liability while in the tax-advantaged account. So, even if you have two or more retirement accounts, you may be able to move or merge them to provide the funding you need to get a fast start in your real estate investing. You can be looking into pulling that together while you’re getting a great many more tips, secrets and techniques in the next week in these emails.

Before I close, I want to give you some action steps for today. Grab a notebook or a sheet of paper, or even open up a word processing program on your computer, and make a list of all the reasons why you want to be a real estate investor.

Don’t just say “to make money” - of course you want to make money, but go deeper. Maybe it’s "so I can quit my job and spend time with my (kids, spouse, friends, etc.). Make a list of the things that will get in your way. Time restraints, fears, friends of yours who are negative and will try to hold you back from achieving your dreams. You have to know what your obstacles will be so when you run into them, you don’t get frustrated and quit on yourself. These are important exercises. I take the people who have come out to my 2 day “Gain the EDGE” live training events through similar such exercises because knowing “why” you are going to invest helps you do the “how” and cash the checks!

Until tomorrow, take care and have an amazing day

Not Your Way n/t - Posted by Woody

Posted by Woody on March 13, 2011 at 21:26:05:


Re: Not Your Way n/t - Posted by Steven Ransom

Posted by Steven Ransom on March 14, 2011 at 05:46:58:

I’m sorry but I dn’t understand “n/t”!